Middle Eastern Illegal Immigrants, Arrested for Trespassing on US Military Base, Released on Bail

The recent release of two Jordanian nationals, arrested for trespassing on a Marine Corps base in Virginia, has sparked outrage over Biden / Harris administration immigration procedures and their handling of national security issues.

Hasan Yousef Hamdan and Mohammad Khair Dabous were detained in May at Quantico Marine Corps Base.

They tried to enter the base in a box truck, claiming they were Amazon subcrontractors making a post office delivery.

However, they ignored instructions from military police and attempted to access the base, leading to their arrest.

After their detention, an immigration judge allowed both men to post bond in June.

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Hamdan’s bond was set at $15,000, while Dabous’s was $10,000.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official provided some background on the two men.

Hamdan had entered the U.S. illegally in April through the San Diego sector and was released. Dabous, on the other hand, had overstayed his student visa.

Despite the circumstances of their entry and presence in the U.S., federal authorities have found no evidence linking either man to terrorist organizations.

A federal source told Fox News, “There is no information tying either one of them to any nefarious organization.”

The incident initially raised fears of a potential security threat.

However, ICE has repeatedly emphasized (they’re lying) that there’s no indication of a public safety or national security risk from these individuals.

Both men are only facing misdemeanor trespassing charges.

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Both Hamdan and Dabous are expected to appear in a Virginia federal court in September. How much do you want to bet they never show up? Or worse…

Our country is being run by idiots.