Dollar General Issues Guidance Telling Employees How to Deal With Visits From ICE

Dollar General is telling store managers how to handle visits from immigration agents, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Key Facts:

  • Dollar General issued a memo instructing managers to let Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents speak with employees and customers.
  • The memo advises asking agents to talk with employees outside the store, away from others if possible.
  • Managers are told to ask for agents’ credentials and not to allow access to non-public areas without a warrant.
  • Employees’ information should only be shared if directed by the company.
  • Dollar General has over 19,000 stores across the United States, more than any other retailer.

The Rest of The Story:

Dollar General says this guidance helps employees understand how to respond if federal officials arrive.

The company also made it clear that it plans to follow all legal obligations when interacting with law enforcement.

These steps come as the Trump administration reaffirms its commitment to strong immigration enforcement.

While the memo suggests caution, it also shows that Dollar General intends to cooperate fully with federal agents under established guidelines.


This approach appears to be a sensible move by management.

They are respecting lawful orders and making sure their employees are prepared.

There is no advantage for a store to refuse cooperation with ICE officers carrying out legal duties.

Store managers who understand these guidelines can remain calm and compliant when agents arrive.

That said, it is doubtful that ICE will focus raids on stores like Dollar General, especially since agents concentrate on violent offenders.

Even so, the company’s memo serves as a formal policy to keep operations running smoothly.

A strong deterrent would be stricter penalties for hiring illegal immigrants.

Making it a felony for employers to hire individuals without legal status could shift more of the responsibility to businesses.

If all employers ensure their workforce is made up of legal residents, the problem of illegal hiring would shrink on its own.

The Bottom Line:

Dollar General’s guidelines reflect a willingness to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

Whether or not ICE visits are likely, the company is showing it knows how to respond if agents ever walk through the door.

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